Saturday, 13 March 2010

Categorically speaking

To paraphrase Hannibal Lecter, I'm giving very serious thought to writing this blog. In other words, I've been scribbling down some ideas about the different types of article I'd like to showcase (after all, that's what I'm doing - it's a loose kind of mission statement). So here's the categories I'll be writing under, all of which I'll be using as tags on the blog...
  • Reviews - self-explanatory. I'll be reviewing movies I've had the chance to see at preview screenings, and occasionally other new releases. Have made a start on this with my Wolfman review from last week
  • Look Backs - a chance to revisit past films for a specific reason. Maybe it's a significant anniversary related to the film in question, or a selection of movies related to an actor, director or even genre of an upcoming new release. Essentially, I'll be trying to give some context where and when I feel it's relevant.
  • Diary - my look back on the last week or two and what I've been up to. A chance for me to mention any movies I've seen which haven't been covered above, or anything else that takes my fancy (literature, theatre, TV, events etc)
  • Music in Movies - I'll be picking out a song or score from a movie which has been on my mind and if possible, I'll post an MP3 or YouTube clip.
  • Screen Trivia - there's loads of great little movie quizzes knocking around the net. I'll post a link to the best ones I've found, and maybe set a teaser or two myself.
That's all the blog business for now. I need to get writing and be prolific!


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